Feb 23, 2011

When You're Hot, You're Hot! When Your Not...

...go back inside!

I the course of two weeks we went from -20 F to 50 F here in southwest Minnesota! That got me and the kids thinking about temperatures. We often have "guess the temp" contests when we drive past the bank. which displays the temperature in both F and C. DJ's guess was a bit off for for F, but right on in C.

Then we wondered, "is there any temperature that is the same number in both measuring system.  That is today's challenge: Using only the formula for temp conversion, find the temperature that is the same in both Fahrenheit and Celsius.

Here is the formula: F =  C x 9/5 + 32
Or the other way around: C = (F - 32) x 5/9

This will take some 'guess and check' but you can do whatever you put your mind to.

By the way, the Robotics Expo was awesome!

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