Apr 3, 2011

Destination Imagination

Well, we are home from another busy weekend with the kids.
William's DI (Destination Imagination, SD DI site) team made it to the state competition this year, so we packed up and spent the weekend in Pierre. In addition to viewing many awesome DI presentations, we did a little shopping, a little eating (Guadalajara Mexican Restaurant in Pierre — they get 5 for great food, service, and atmosphere, then Zestos for strawberry sherbet for dessert) and a little motorized site seeing including the Capitol building, and the Corn Palace in Mitchell. The drive there was windy, but uneventful, and the drive home quiet. All in all, a great weekend.

Jacquie's DI team competed in Tri-Valley, and DJ's team dissolved before competition. We are going to see about getting a "Rising Star" division of DI started because Isaiah wants to try it too. Rising stars is for students age 5-9 who want to participate in DI. Kids in Kindergarten through 3rd grade can also join an elementary level team. I coached an elementary team last year, and would again if my schedule allows.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with DI is a creative problem solving organization for youth and adults. The program is open to students from elementary through college. Teams of up to 7 members compete in challenges that require complex thinking, problem solving, teamwork and creativity. DI's  educational goals are:
  • to foster creative and critical thinking
  • to develop teamwork, collaboration and leadership skills
  • to nurture research and inquiry skills involving both creative exploration and attention to detail.
Each team is compete's at a certain level, which is decided by the age of the oldest team member.
  • Rising Stars: grades K-2 or 5–9 years old
  • Elementary: grades K-5, or no student above 12
  • Middle: grades 6-8, or no student above 15
  • Secondary: high school, or no student above 19
  • University: college age and armed forces with no younger students

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